Boards should be tasked with saving promoters from themselves
This article is the fourth of a series on ‘Board Failures’ that appeared in Bloomberg Quint. Being an independent director on a board is...
#NotJustMeToo: Including stakeholders in the corporate governance agenda
Companies need to include stakeholders in their corporate governance agenda. While companies fight hard to balance their operating...
Board seats – a right or a privilege?
Recent instances of board members holding onto their seats against several odds has created a broader debate on whether being on a board...
For want of a nail
For want of a nail, the shoe was lost, For want of a shoe, the horse was lost, For want of a horse, the rider was lost, For want of a...
Auditors: Signing out
Although some investors view auditor resignations as a sign of auditors providing push back to pushy company managements, the immediate...
Investors: Asking for change they believe in
Seventy plus resolutions have been defeated since the new Companies Act was legislated. These and the steady increase in ‘against’ votes...
Frauds in the Indian Banking Sector
Indian banking sector reported 12,533 frauds, aggregating to Rs. 181.7 bn in FY17. Such high quantum of frauds can be attributed to weak...
PNB, other state-owned banks and the writing on the wall
Punjab National Banks (PNB) valentine day disclosures about diamonds turning to coal, is yet another wake-up call that the state-owned...
The aftermath of Satyam
Nine years after the shenanigans in Satyam Computer Services Ltd (Satyam) came to light, SEBI has found Price Waterhouse (PwC) and its...
Giving IT its due in the boardroom
Going through the recommendations by the Uday Kotak Committee on Corporate Governance (Kotak Committee), I was pleasantly surprised to...